Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why Vegan?

Most modern maladies are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of negative lifestyles and toxic environmental factors, including junk food and malnutrition, pesticides, antibiotics, microwaves, chemical pollution of food, water and air, lack of exercise and chronic stress. These factors are further aggravated by the failure of modern medicine to recognize them as agents of dis-"ease" and death and the consequent failure to take preventative measures against them.

Raw veganism is a lifestyle where you only eat organic, raw, fresh, living, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and SUPERFOODS (acai berries, goji berries, cacao, maca), and drink lots and lots of alkaline water. I also recommend you, while cleansing your body and healing yourself, stop drinking and/or doing any drugs, prescription pills included. Here is the premise:

All cooked food, especially cooked animal protein, is dead. Meaning, there is very little to NO living enzymes, which are the nutrients needed to build the immune system so that your body can heal itself. Adding fuel to the flame, if you've spent 30+ years of your life stuffing your body with cooked animal protein, dairy (mucus), overcooked, dead veggies, mineral-deficient fruit, and toxic drugs (which all drugs, over-the-counter-included are), you leave your body wide open to infection and disease of all sorts.

You cannot poison your body into health with drugs, chemo or radiation. "Health" can only be achieved with healthful living.

Elimination of the symptom is NOT the same as elimination of the disease. The fastest way to restore wellness is to stop putting into the body the things that have caused the physical problem to develop in the first place, and then give the body the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild itself. The holistic approach treats the whole person, ignites the body's internal healing force and stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal.

You'll need to eliminate all animal and animal by-products. I know you're probably thinking I am crazy, but trust me...once you remove the cooked animal carcass from your body, you'll immediately start feeling better. Sick, diseased meat is a leading cause of nearly every disease! 

All your food should be either from the earth, a tree, the sea, and alive. You'll need a juicer so you can juice things like carrots, beets, apples, berries, and celery. And a good blender for smoothies. Invest in a raw food book. Educate yourself!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog!!! It has all kinds of helpful and inspiring info. Please keep it coming!!
