The kinds of foods we eat determine so much more than we understand. The frequency of raw living fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and sprouts contain genetic information that downloads into our cellular data bank. For the evolutionary time we're occupying, it's imperative that we be able to access the light code information broadcast to this planet. We now know that living enzymes are literal codes of information that gets downloaded into our system when we take it in: it contains the DNA we need to evolve.
The cooked food diet is the single most destructive diet. It can consist of totally or partially cooked food. However, in either form cooked food has no enzymes in it and this is its most dangerous factor.
The liver and pancreas have become more involved in digestion, whereas they were not originally designed to do so. This is what leads to constipation, thermal fatigue, and detrimental changes to the gastrointestinal lining, setting up a perpetual breeding ground for a diseased state. The cecum and appendix (former stomachs), just like all vegetarian mammals have, has atrophied to their current state in the human body.
When you eat junk, garbage, and cooked food (anything not grown in soil, in the sea, from a tree, vine, or root, which has been processed and/or cooked, microwaved, and genetically manipulated to death), you slow the rate of your atomic and molecular spin. You cut off access to solar energy and genetic information, and the lower your consciousness becomes.
Only when you eat the correct foods and get cleansed can you increase your spin, help your cells to regenerate faster, and do other miraculous self-healing, but that's for another post. Harvard Medical School researchers Dr. N.B. Marshall and S.B. Andrus and J. Mayer found that the internal organs such as kidneys, liver, pancreas, and heart get bigger on refined processed foods and, the brain gets smaller as the refined food dietary intake increases. Also, the endocrine glands such as the pancreas, pituitary, and thyroid get larger from eating refined food. Cooked food causes a rise in organ temperature. Fruit lowers body temperature. The constant demand on digestive organs to try to metabolize cooked foods and drugs (which are cooked) causes thermal fatigue.
The phytonutrients in fruit can prevent you from developing many, if not most diseases, increased energy, better sleep, better, more clear thinking, cellular repair, and regeneration. However, you must consume them in large quantities, vine-ripened (NOT RADIATED), organically-grown, and in its freshest form. You can do this through sipping a smoothie every morning, and juicing your fruits and veggies, being sure to drink it immediately, and eating enormous salads, and mono-meals of say 4-5 avocados, or 6-7 oranges, or an entire watermelon for lunch. You really do not need to cook vegetables; neither do you need dairy products and cooked animal flesh to survive.
We are pro-fruit, pro-vegetables, and pro-organic, here at Vegan Wasted!