Friday, May 25, 2012

“Going back to basics”, meaning keeping it simple and fun.

Farmer Paul, a farmer who operates in Georgia, plans to acquire a farm growing acres of certified organic products. His mission is to grow the healthiest and safest food products in the world through consistency and hard work, increasing consumer awareness of health, safety and environmental issues pertaining to the food we eat. 

He plans to partner with community organizations to create and urban awareness of the importance of farming. He will open his doors to the public school as well as the private schools.

Farmer Paul said “he must return to the dirt where he came from.” He said “going natural brings a high quality food chain that can help heal the nation and the rest of the world.” With plans to provide homeless organizations with vegetables from his farm, he has a burning desire to rehabilitate homeless people by teaching them important farming techniques.

He plans to travel around the nation promoting the importance of farming with emphasis on organic farming.

Farmer Paul is currently talking with various community organizations in the city of Atlanta about ideas to establish the Farmer Paul Community Support Agricultural Program. This program will involve a partnership of Farmer Paul and community leaders in the Atlanta area to teach youth about farming and projects in which organic vegetables are harvest. Farmer Paul is a champion on organic foods and he preaches “Going back to basics”, meaning keeping it simple and fun.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

ROSCOES chicken & waffles (VEGAN WASTED STYLE)

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography
Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography


The vegan mac & cheez was prepared using Daiya (soy-free) and non-GMO ingredients. The vegan fried chick patties were made with non-GMO vegetable pea protein, and the vegan bacon are from Smart Bacon. The cinnamon-laced waffles are made from Trader Joe's organic pancake & waffle mix.

What Is Raw Foods and How Can We Use It To GROW!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Herbs that eradicate dis-EASE

  • Poor appetite: ginseng, Calamus, Genetian, marjoram, goldenseal, wood sage, origanum, chamomile
  • Aches: peppermint, angelica, scullcap, valerian, hops, catnip
  • Appendicitis: vervain, cayenne, buckthorn
  • Abcessess: slippery elm, lobelia, mugwort
  • Anemia: dandelion, century, fenugreek, red cloves, comfrey, agrimony
  • Arthritis: yucca, parsley, black cohosh, alfalfa, burdock, chaparral, buckthorn, comfrey
  • Asthma: hyssop, comfrey, saw palmetto, thyme, sage, colsfoot, labelia, horehound, elecampane, mullein, skunk cabbage, flaxseed
  • Bladder: yarrow, lily pond, uva ursi, goldenseal, aloes, wintergreen, vervain, hemlock, valerian, nettles
  • Blood Impurities: gentian, primrose,bayberry, yellow dock, red clover, bugleweed, chapparral, chickweed, goldenseal, comfrey root, myrr

more to come, so stay tuned...

Thursday, May 17, 2012's what's for lunch!

GMOs: The Threat to the Global Food Supply

The Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, and this company essentially owns majority of the seed supply in the world. 

Just about every non-organic food product available to consumers has some sort of connection with Monsanto. Anyone who can read a label knows that corn, soy and cotton can be found in just about every American food product. Upwards of 90% of all corn, soybeans and cotton are grown from genetically engineered seeds, also known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). These genetically enhanced products appear in around 70% of all American processed food products. And Monsanto controls 90% of all genetically engineered seeds. In other words, Monsanto controls -- and owns patents on -- most of the American food supply.

What are the ramifications of this? And do we really want the future of our food to be in the hands of a multinational company that was originally in the business of engineering nerve gas, mustard gas, and other forms of bio-terrorism activity?

Scientists are trying to raise public attention about the fact that global overuse of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide is leading to weed resistance. "Farmers are planting too many Roundup Ready crops," said Stephen Powles, an expert on weed resistance at the University of Western Australia. 

Mark VanGessel, a weed scientist at the University of Delaware spoke of the Roundup (glyphosate) pesticides saying, "My gut reaction is that we do need to limit the use of glyphosate-resistant crops." In response to the issue that farmers are purchasing and
applying a toxic chemical that is no longer working, Monsanto spokesperson Greg Elmore said people are overreacting. In other Roundup news, Denmark officially banned the pesticide this month, saying the toxic chemical is not breaking down in the soil and, as a result, is polluting their water at a level that is 5 times what is considered safe for the environment and human health. 

"Essentially, all life depends upon the soil ... There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt also voiced similar concerns, warning:

"The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself."

Outside of the public health realm, Roundup's startling environmental havoc is perhaps an even greater cause for concern. Despite being created to fend off weeds, Roundup is actually spawning resistant superweeds across millions of hectares (one hectare is 10,000 square metres), bankrupting farmers and destroying crop land. These resistant weeds currently cover over 4.5 million hectares in the United States alone, though experts estimate the world-wide land coverage to have reached at least 120 million hectares by 2010. The onset of superweeds is being increasingly documented in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Europe and South Africa.

Recently, a study by the International Journal of Biological Sciences revealed that Monsanto's Mon 863, Mon 810, and Roundup herbicide-absorbing NK 603 in corn caused kidney and liver damage in laboratory rats. Scientists also discovered damage to the heart, spleen, adrenal glands and even the blood of rats that consumed the mutant corn. A "state of hepatorenal toxicity" the study concluded.

It's time we go back to the days of our ancestors and begin to store our seeds and grow our own food. 

Juice For Life!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Food that Kills

The human body has no physiological need for animal flesh or products. The food pyramid was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to drive the sales of the meat and dairy industry farmers. And it has done precisely that. You need water, vitamins, carbohydrates, moderate protein, and fiber. All can be found in plant-based foods. Where should you get your protein? From the same place elephants, giraffes, and apes get theirs. Legumes, nuts, fruits, and green vegetables. Where should you get your calcium? From the same place cows get plant based foods. 

Adult cows do not drink milk. And neither do apes, giraffes, goats, or elephants...unless they are in captivity and domesticated by man.

"I hope that no one is still eating white Kleenex bread anymore." That stuff takes the cake for food with the least amount of nutritional value. Soul Food is killing Black America in massive droves; in the form of record rates of  complications from diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, and a breakdown of the immune system's ability to ward off harmful microbes. And soda pop? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Except for maybe speeding up the deterioration of your teeth.

When archaeologists opened the stomachs of ancient Egyptian mummies they found no meat or dairy. They found grains, such as kamut and spelt. And the slaves who arrived on the shores of North America came with NO cavities. 

Further, the meat being sold today is not the meat that our grandparents were eating. 
There were no factory farms then, and as you can see, they did not see the level of salmonella poisoning and e. coli or mad cow disease that we see now. They did not eat antibiotic-resistant, genetically modified foods because they weren't invented back then. 

"You don't have to give antibiotics to broccoli." We are seeing heart attacks and Type II diabetes and strokes in younger and younger children, all diet-related disease. 

Our children are dying due to our inability to feed them life-sustaining foods.

Cow's milk is for baby cows. You do not have a need for milk from a cow, anymore than you need cow from a giraffe, gorilla, or anything else. In fact, studies have shown that if you administer pasteurized milk to a baby calf, it would be dead in a matter of days because that milk is totally devoid of nutrients. The only milk you need is from a human breast, and beyond your first few years of life, it is pointless. You can still enjoy a bowl of your favorite granola cereal with organic almond milk or coconut milk. Try it.

When you stop running animal fat through your veins, your arteries can unclog and atherosclerosis will diminish. Hypertension and heart disease will begin to reverse. 
Clogged arteries lead to kidney failure, stroke, and weakened ruptured artery walls lead to aneurysms.

Animal fats are solid at temperatures hotter than room temperature, whereas plant oils are still liquid even at very low temperatures. When you see fat hanging out around the waistline of heavy animal eaters (tire-tummy), that's not even their fat so much as it is the fat from the cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs they've been eating throughout their life. 
When you begin to run more organic, raw plant-based foods through your blood stream, that tire-tummy will begin to flatten out and normalize.

The human body has absolutely no need for animal flesh. Look at the largest animals in the animal kingdom, such as buffalo, cows, elephants, and apes who eat NO MEAT. Yet, they are strong and live long lives without cancer, diabetes, heart attack, and strokes. Namely, they eat RAW living food. No wonder they do not suffer the sickness that humans do with high fat, cooked animal diets.

Osteoporosis is a disease of calcium being sucked from the body via too much protein in the diet. The communities with the highest consumption of dairy and animal products have the highest rates of Osteoporosis on the planet. The first step is to get all of the animal products out of your kidneys and get your calcium from grains, legumes, raw living green plants, and fruits.

You are not a mountain lion, so you cannot eat how a mountain lion eats. Their jaw bones are made to chomp meat, carnivorous canine teeth to bite into live animals. You have flat molars like herbivores and other vegetarian animals, and you have a jaw that moves in motions which foster grinding up plants. We have long intestines, which gives us the ability to process plants and vegetables.

And if you think I'm bluffing, climb onto the back of a pig or cow or sheep and take a bite out of his back and see how delectable that would be. Not as easy as plucking a ripe peach or apple from a tree and taking a bite. If you would like to experience a nice, lean body...go Vegan. If you want your blood pressure to normalize and your blood sugar to balance out...go Vegan. If you want your body to fight off sickness and disease like a Superhero, go Vegan! The more raw, the better. If you want to eliminate the medications your doctor prescribes, eliminate the sodium, protein, and fat that comes with a high animal diet.

Put the proper fuel in and the engine will run fine. Our bodies burn sugars and starches, not fat and protein. Our bodies are electric in nature. Our Kreb's cycle is more effective when we put organically grown plant-based foods. More watermelon, avocado, grapes with seeds, spirulina, and Irish sea moss, and less eggs, fried chicken, ice cream, and pork chops

Diets high in protein and processed meat increases the risk of diabetes:

Research proves that the more animal flesh you consume, the higher your risk of developing a number of cancers. Animal protein is concentrated with sulfur, which goes into your blood stream and wrecks havoc over time, pulling calcium out of your body.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Herbs that REALLY work...

  • Guinea Hen weed: Known to South Americans as Anamu: kills cancer cells
  • Parsley: Bad breath, blood builder, high in potassium, kidneys, diuretic
  • Passion Flower: Eye infection and tension, stress, sleep, hyperactive children 
  • Pau d' Arco:  Historically used for cancer, leukemia, tumors, yeast infection
  • Paw Paw Cell-Reg: May modulate growth of blood vessels near abnormal cells, cancer
  • Psyllium Hulls: Scrubs colon, best fiber, diverticulitis, colon blockage
  • Red Clover: cancer, tumors, skin problems, relaxes nerves, spasms
  • Red Raspberry: Pregnancy herb, nausea, diarrhea, gastritis, strengthens/tones uterus
  • Red Yeast Rice: Helps maintain and lower cholesterol levels
  • Rose Hips: Natural vitamin C complex, colds, infections, blood purifier, flu
  • Safflowers: Gout, hydrochloric acid for digestion, diaper, hiatal hernia, ulcers
  • Sage: Stimulates hair growth, memory, sore throat/gum, nerves, hoarseness, clears mucous
  • Sarsaparilla: Testosterone, body building, impotency, hair growth
  • Saw Palmetto: Breast builder (small or saggy), colds, rids mucus, enlarged prostate
  • Slippery Elm: Acid stomach, indigestion, diaper rash, hiatal hernia, ulcers
  • Spirulina: High in protein, vitamins & minerals, 70% protein
  • Stevia: Natural sweetener, 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, calorie free, okay for diabetics
  • St. John's Wort: Anti-depressant, stress, relaxant
  • Uva Ursi: Spleen, bladder and kidney infections, diabetes, gonorrhea/cystitis, incontinence
  • Valerian: Natural tranquilizer, pain muscle spasms, nerves, promotes sleep
  • Wild Yam: Reduces PMS & menstrual irregularities, water retention
  • White Oak Bark: Hemorrhoids and bleeding, varicose veins, pyorrhea, pin worms
  • Yarrow: Obstructed perspiration, nosebleeds, chicken pox, colds/flu/fever
  • Yellow Dock: Anemia, blood purifier/builder, itching, liver, skin problems, hepatitis
  • Yucca: Natural cortisone, arthritis, reduces joint inflammation, skin problems

Friday, May 11, 2012

Herbs that REALLY work...

  • Feverfew: Migraine headaches, muscular tension, intestinal worms
  • Garlic: Normalizes blood pressure, yeast and bacterial infections, colds
  • Ginger: Expels gas, motion and morning sickness, flu, diarrhea, settles stomach
  • Ginseng: Energy, stress, endurance, depression, impotency/stimulant
  • Ginko Biloba: Memory, blood circulation, attention span, Alzheimer's, stroke
  • Golden Seal: Infection, natural insulin, cleanses urinary system
  • Gotu Kola: Brain food, memory, mental fatigue, vitality depression
  • Green Tea Extract: Strong anti-oxidant, strengthens artery walls, stronger than Vitamin E
  • Guggul Lipids: Cholesterol, reduce platelet adhesiveness, arthritis, fights infection
  • Hawthorn: Heart, hardening of the arteries, adrenals, stress, blood pressure 
  • Hops: Insomnia, nervousness, decreases desire for alcohol, hyperactive children
  • Horsetail: Stops hair from falling out, stops split ends, nails, tumors
  • Hydrangea: Arthritis, gout, kidney and bladder problems, dissolves stones, bone spurs
  • Juniper Berries: Diuretic, dropsy, uric acid, strengthens kidneys
  • Kava Kava: Anxiety, chronic fatigue, sleeplessness, panic attacks, insomnia
  • Kelp: Thyroid, goiter, helps take fat off hips, complexion
  • Licorice: Adjusts blood sugar, quick energy, cough, hoarseness, adrenals
  • Lobelia: Asthma, congestionpneumonia, strong relaxant, dry cough, lungs
  • MACA; Improves sex drive & performance/increases physical/mental strength, concentration
  • Marshmallow: Bladder and kidney problems, bed wetting, inflammation
  • Milk Thistle: Powerful antioxidant for liver protection, helps liver filter blood
  • Mullein: Nervous cough, lung & sinus congestion, TB, lymphatic joints, hernia
  • Noni: Strengthens systems at cellular level, skin, painful joints, hernia
  • Olive Leaf extract: Energy, anti-viral, fungal, allergies, immune system

Herbs don't build up in the body or produce harmful side effects like synthetic drugs. They feed, regulate, and cleanse the body. Use them! They were created and designed for humans.

And as always, herbs accessorize beautifully with all non-hybrid, raw, organic fruits and vegetables.

Vegan & Vegetarian Celebrities

Basketball (Phoenix SUNS, Utah JAZZ) player Raja Bell has been a vegetarian since he was 2 years old.

After being diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Sjogren's Syndrome, professional tennis player Venus Williams switched to a raw, vegan diet. Her sister Serena Williams switched as well, for moral support.

Forest Whitaker- “Life is full of choices, and many years ago, I chose to become a vegetarian, and it was one of the best choices I’ve ever made,” says Forest.

Prince- The musical legend lives a vegetarian lifestyle. In 2006, he was voted the “world’s sexiest vegetarian” in PETA’s annual online poll, and we definitely know why.

Erykah Badu- The neo-soul goddess swears by the goodness of vegan soul food. She told VegNews Magazine, “Vegan food is soul food in its truest form. Soul food means to feed the soul. And to me, your soul is your intent. If your intent is pure, you are pure.”  She is raising all of her children Vegan, as well. 

Angela Bassett- The acclaimed actress and mother of two lives a vegetarian lifestyle, but enjoys vegan and raw food. She shared with the LA Timesthat these food choices often help her get in shape for her roles. At 53, Bassett looks amazing!

Singer, rapper, and actor Andre Benjamin, also known as Outkast's Andre 3000, was voted as one of PETA's sexiest vegetarian celebrities in 2004.

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons has been a vegan since 1998.

Alice Walker- (The Color Purple) is a vegetarian, gardener, world traveler and spiritual explorer. She lives in Mendocino, California.

Common, once a vegan and now a vegetarian...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Raw Vegan Annette Larkins: Straight Fabulous at 70

70-Year-Old Raw Vegan Annette Larkins...stays fit, healthy and fabulous by growing all of her own produce. Her garden includes herbs like Stevia, lemon balm, aloe, and Italian Parsley. She calls it her "Garden of Youth" Nothing processed or cooked passes her lips

Her husband, who is not raw vegan, takes medication for his high blood pressure. Annette won't even take an aspirin. Get her book, "Journey to Health" today!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO?

The multi-trillion dollar American sick care system is the only industry that can rake in record profits year after year, while simultaneously seeing record rates of obesity on the rise and every year the onset of newer diseases proliferating, and still not instruct doctors, nurses, and other so-called health care professionals to teach their patients how or what to eat to live. This is in part due to the pharmaceutical industry manufacturing drugs that neither heal nor cure, but simply "manage" symptomatic sickness.

This doesn't escape nature's radar by any stretch of the imagination. This actually creates a larger problem. No sooner does Big Pharma develop, brand, and patent drugs that merely quiet the immune system and the body's natural alarm mechanisms in the form of inflammation, fever, and various other conditions does nature mutate into more virulent strains of microbes to render Big Pharma's drugs inept.

So, what's the answer? Learn to eat real, organic, LIVING food, that is grown from in enzymes, natural vitamins, minerals, and nutrients which bolster your body's cells and immune system to ward off foreign microbes. Learn to eat to live...

You are what you eat...and although eventually we all have to die some day, that doesn't mean that you have to live a shitty quality of life, now does it? The more we demand and rally for real, clean food that is not sprayed with toxic chemicals and pesticides, irradiated, fried, microwaved, roasted, toasted, and grilled to death, the more we create a system of health and true wellness. 

After all, when was the last time you saw an overweight, obese, diabetic vegan? Don't worry...we'll wait!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing” ~VOLTAIRE

Dandelion, the Magnificent!

Dandelion as a medicine was first mentioned in the works of the Arabian physicians of the tenth and eleventh centuries, who speak of it as a sort of wild Endive, under the name of Taraxcacon. In this country, we find allusion to it in the Welsh medicines of the thirteenth century. Dandelion was much valued as a medicine in the times of Gerard and Parkinson, and is still extensively employed.
Dandelion roots have long been largely used on the Continent, and the plant is cultivated largely in India as a remedy for liver complaints.
Daniel Mowrey PH.D, author of "The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine" states, "Dandelion heads the list of excellent foods for the liver." The herb has been used for centuries to treat jaundice and the yellowing of the skin that comes with liver dysfunction, cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver disease.
But liver function isn't the only use of this nutritious plant. It is also used to treat infections, swelling, water retention, breast problems, gallbladder problems, pnuemonia and viruses.Studies have shown that dandelion stimulates bile flow and has a mild diuretic effect.
Modern naturopathic physicians use dandelion to detoxify the liver and reduce the side effects of prescription medications.

Dandelion is on the FDA's list of safe foods and is approved by the Council of Europe.
The chief constituents of Dandelion root are Taraxacin, acrystalline and Taraxacerin, an acrid resin, with Inulin (a sort of sugar which replaces starch in many of the Dandelion family, Compositae), gluten, gum and potash. It contains substantial levels of vitamins A, C, D, B-complex, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, choline, calcium and boron.
Diuretic, tonic and slightly aperient. It is a general stimulant to the system, but especially to the urinary organs, and is chiefly used in kidney and liver disorders.
Dandelion is not only official but is used in many patent medicines. Not being poisonous, quite big doses of its preparations may be taken. Its beneficial action is best obtained when combined with other agents.

Dandelion Herb Information / Side Effects

Latin Names: Taraxacum officinale, Leotodon taraxacum
Common Names: Dandelion, Blowball, Canker Wort, Irish Daisy, Lion's Tooth, Puffball, Wild Endive
Properties: Diuretic, tonic and slightly aperient, mild laxative.
Uses: Anemia, Constipation, Gallstones. Kidney and liver disorders, jaundice and the yellowing of the skin that comes with liver dysfunction, cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver disease. Encourages normal digestion.
Do not use dandelion for longer than six weeks at a time.
Because of dandelion's diuretic effect, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding may want to avoid it.
Dandelion may intensify the blood sugar-lowering effect of the diabetes drug, glipizide. Use with caution. If taken in large quantities (much more than commonly recommended) it may cause a skin rash, diarrhea, heartburn, or stomach discomfort. Stop using the herb if these reactions occur.
Avoid if your doctor has advised you that you have a gallbladder problem, a blockage or inflammation of the bile duct, or an obstruction of the bowel (often signaled by persistent constipation or lack of bowel movements). Also, don't use dandelion during an acute gallstone attack; this requires professional medical treatment.

From: Bestselling Author, "Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World"

A Cure For Cancer? Eating A Plant-Based

 "The nutrients from animal based foods, especially the protein, promote the development of the cancer whereas the nutrients from plant-based foods, especially the antioxidants, reverse the promotion stage."

...and more awesomeness. Read the article:

"The problem in this area of medicine is that traditional doctors are so focused on the use of targeted therapies (chemo, surgery, radiation) that they refuse to even acknowledge the use of therapies like nutrition and are loathe to even want to do proper research in this area."

Strawberry Basil Slush submitted by Sara Bee (

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Herbs that REALLY work...

  • Butcher's Broom: Improves circulation, phlebitis, leg cramps, varicose veins
  • Capsicum: Circulation to extremities, strokes, blood pressure equalizer, colds
  • Cascara Sagrada: Constipation, increases peristaltic action, gallbladder
  • Catnip: Colic, nerves, cigarette craving, colds, flu, digestion, hiccups and gas
  • Chamomile: Insomnia, improves appetite, drug withdrawal, nerves
  • Charcoal: Kidney failure (to help), intestinal gas, antidote for poison, diarrhea
  • Colostrum: Immune booster, accelerates healing, burns fat, lean muscle, elevates mood
  • Cornsilk: Inflamed kidney, bladder, bed-wetting, painful urination, prostate
  • Damiana: Hormone balance, Parkinson's Disease, get pregnant, frigidity
  • Dong Quai: Hot flashes, hormone balance, nerves, brain nourisher
  • Echinacea: Antibiotic, lymph system, blood purifier/builder, immune system
  • Eyebright: Improve vision, eye strain, cataracts, allergies, styes
  • False Unicorn: Ovarian/uterine tonic, absent, painful long cycles, miscarriage

The Raw Living Food Lifestyle: Key to Abundant Health

The kinds of foods we eat determine so much more than we understand. The frequency of raw living fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and sprouts contain genetic information that downloads into our cellular data bank. For the evolutionary time we're occupying, it's imperative that we be able to access the light code information broadcast to this planet. We now know that living enzymes are literal codes of information that gets downloaded into our system when we take it in: it contains the DNA we need to evolve.

The cooked food diet is the single most destructive diet. It can consist of totally or partially cooked food. However, in either form cooked food has no enzymes in it and this is its most dangerous factor. 

The liver and pancreas have become more involved in digestion, whereas they were not originally designed to do so. This is what leads to constipation, thermal fatigue, and detrimental changes to the gastrointestinal lining, setting up a perpetual breeding ground for a diseased state. The cecum and appendix (former stomachs), just like all vegetarian mammals have, has atrophied to their current state in the human body.

When you eat junk, garbage, and cooked food (anything not grown in soil, in the sea, from a tree, vine, or root, which has been processed and/or cooked, microwaved, and genetically manipulated to death), you slow the rate of your atomic and molecular spin. You cut off access to solar energy and genetic information, and the lower your consciousness becomes. 

Only when you eat the correct foods and get cleansed can you increase your spin, help your cells to regenerate faster, and do other miraculous self-healing, but that's for another post. Harvard Medical School researchers Dr. N.B. Marshall and S.B. Andrus and J. Mayer found that the internal organs such as kidneys, liver, pancreas, and heart get bigger on refined processed foods and, the brain gets smaller as the refined food dietary intake increases. Also, the endocrine glands such as the pancreas, pituitary, and thyroid get larger from eating refined food. Cooked food causes a rise in organ temperature. Fruit lowers body temperature. The constant demand on digestive organs to try to metabolize cooked foods and drugs (which are cooked) causes thermal fatigue.

The phytonutrients in fruit can prevent you from developing many, if not most diseases, increased energy, better sleep, better, more clear thinking, cellular repair, and regeneration. However, you must consume them in large quantities, vine-ripened (NOT RADIATED), organically-grown, and in its freshest form. You can do this through sipping a smoothie every morning, and juicing your fruits and veggies, being sure to drink it immediately, and eating enormous salads, and mono-meals of say 4-5 avocados, or 6-7 oranges, or an entire watermelon for lunch. You really do not need to cook vegetables; neither do you need dairy products and cooked animal flesh to survive. 

We are pro-fruit, pro-vegetables, and pro-organic, here at Vegan Wasted!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Herbs that REALLY work...

  • Alfalfa: Health builder, arthritis, fatigue, appetite, pituitary gland, alkalizes body
  • Anamu: Pain reliever, arthritis, osteoarthritis, diabetes
  • Astragalus: Immune system minimizes toxins caused by chemicals or radiation
  • Barley Greens: Energy, nutritional, increases ability to fight aging and rheumatism
  • Bayberry: Colds, coughs, excess mucous, fevers, flu, bleeding gums
  • Bee Pollen: Allergies, quick energy, nature's most perfect food, natural no-doz
  • Bilberry: Strengthens capillaries, prevents retinal blindness problems, antioxidants
  • Black Cohosh: Natural estrogen, hot flashes bronchitis, nerves
  • Black Walnut: Cleanses parasites/worms, skin rashes, lupus, eliminates toxins
  • Blessed Thistle: Takes oxygen to brain, senility, increases mother's milk
  • Burdock: Reduce swelling and deposits in joints, blood purifier, gout, eczema

All herbs blend beautifully with and are enhanced by pure, whole fruit and vegetable pressed juices 
In fact, we encourage you to go for a day of just drinking pure juices. Your body will love you for it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Do you know what MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is? How about Yellow #5? Yellow #6? How about RBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)? Potassium Bromate?

Do you know what SPLENDA is made of? How about natural flavors? What exactly does that mean, natural flavor? What we can say is that they are all artificial! Many of them are engineered, constructed, and created in a lab and are highly carcinogenic additives. We can also say that these artificial substances were not around 100 years ago, and we now know from scientific studies that they have negative effects.

What can help counteract the effects of a body inundated with these harmful additives, aside from eliminating them from your diet?

CoQ10, is a universal substance used all over the body in what is called the glucose to energy pathway.  CoQ10 helps the body take fuel in the form of glucose, or blood sugar, and turn it into energy in the cells of the body.  CoQ10 has been of some benefit in reducing the symptoms of MSG Symptom Complex:
  • Organic fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Juicing organic fruits like carrot and apple and green vegetables
  • Organic frozen vegetables that do not contain added ingredients
  • Homemade rice milk, homemade almond milk, or homemade hazelnut milk
  • olive oil and fresh squeezed lemon juice as a salad dressing
  • quickly cooked homemade pasta sauces made from fresh vegetables

Learn to add these to your cooking:

fresh ginger