Sunday, May 13, 2012

Food that Kills

The human body has no physiological need for animal flesh or products. The food pyramid was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to drive the sales of the meat and dairy industry farmers. And it has done precisely that. You need water, vitamins, carbohydrates, moderate protein, and fiber. All can be found in plant-based foods. Where should you get your protein? From the same place elephants, giraffes, and apes get theirs. Legumes, nuts, fruits, and green vegetables. Where should you get your calcium? From the same place cows get plant based foods. 

Adult cows do not drink milk. And neither do apes, giraffes, goats, or elephants...unless they are in captivity and domesticated by man.

"I hope that no one is still eating white Kleenex bread anymore." That stuff takes the cake for food with the least amount of nutritional value. Soul Food is killing Black America in massive droves; in the form of record rates of  complications from diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, and a breakdown of the immune system's ability to ward off harmful microbes. And soda pop? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Except for maybe speeding up the deterioration of your teeth.

When archaeologists opened the stomachs of ancient Egyptian mummies they found no meat or dairy. They found grains, such as kamut and spelt. And the slaves who arrived on the shores of North America came with NO cavities. 

Further, the meat being sold today is not the meat that our grandparents were eating. 
There were no factory farms then, and as you can see, they did not see the level of salmonella poisoning and e. coli or mad cow disease that we see now. They did not eat antibiotic-resistant, genetically modified foods because they weren't invented back then. 

"You don't have to give antibiotics to broccoli." We are seeing heart attacks and Type II diabetes and strokes in younger and younger children, all diet-related disease. 

Our children are dying due to our inability to feed them life-sustaining foods.

Cow's milk is for baby cows. You do not have a need for milk from a cow, anymore than you need cow from a giraffe, gorilla, or anything else. In fact, studies have shown that if you administer pasteurized milk to a baby calf, it would be dead in a matter of days because that milk is totally devoid of nutrients. The only milk you need is from a human breast, and beyond your first few years of life, it is pointless. You can still enjoy a bowl of your favorite granola cereal with organic almond milk or coconut milk. Try it.

When you stop running animal fat through your veins, your arteries can unclog and atherosclerosis will diminish. Hypertension and heart disease will begin to reverse. 
Clogged arteries lead to kidney failure, stroke, and weakened ruptured artery walls lead to aneurysms.

Animal fats are solid at temperatures hotter than room temperature, whereas plant oils are still liquid even at very low temperatures. When you see fat hanging out around the waistline of heavy animal eaters (tire-tummy), that's not even their fat so much as it is the fat from the cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs they've been eating throughout their life. 
When you begin to run more organic, raw plant-based foods through your blood stream, that tire-tummy will begin to flatten out and normalize.

The human body has absolutely no need for animal flesh. Look at the largest animals in the animal kingdom, such as buffalo, cows, elephants, and apes who eat NO MEAT. Yet, they are strong and live long lives without cancer, diabetes, heart attack, and strokes. Namely, they eat RAW living food. No wonder they do not suffer the sickness that humans do with high fat, cooked animal diets.

Osteoporosis is a disease of calcium being sucked from the body via too much protein in the diet. The communities with the highest consumption of dairy and animal products have the highest rates of Osteoporosis on the planet. The first step is to get all of the animal products out of your kidneys and get your calcium from grains, legumes, raw living green plants, and fruits.

You are not a mountain lion, so you cannot eat how a mountain lion eats. Their jaw bones are made to chomp meat, carnivorous canine teeth to bite into live animals. You have flat molars like herbivores and other vegetarian animals, and you have a jaw that moves in motions which foster grinding up plants. We have long intestines, which gives us the ability to process plants and vegetables.

And if you think I'm bluffing, climb onto the back of a pig or cow or sheep and take a bite out of his back and see how delectable that would be. Not as easy as plucking a ripe peach or apple from a tree and taking a bite. If you would like to experience a nice, lean body...go Vegan. If you want your blood pressure to normalize and your blood sugar to balance out...go Vegan. If you want your body to fight off sickness and disease like a Superhero, go Vegan! The more raw, the better. If you want to eliminate the medications your doctor prescribes, eliminate the sodium, protein, and fat that comes with a high animal diet.

Put the proper fuel in and the engine will run fine. Our bodies burn sugars and starches, not fat and protein. Our bodies are electric in nature. Our Kreb's cycle is more effective when we put organically grown plant-based foods. More watermelon, avocado, grapes with seeds, spirulina, and Irish sea moss, and less eggs, fried chicken, ice cream, and pork chops

Diets high in protein and processed meat increases the risk of diabetes:

Research proves that the more animal flesh you consume, the higher your risk of developing a number of cancers. Animal protein is concentrated with sulfur, which goes into your blood stream and wrecks havoc over time, pulling calcium out of your body.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."


  1. This is a wonderful post! I wish more people understood the dangers that are in meat and other common foods. People always tell me that meat is totally fine, but as your post pointed out, our meat is not the same as the meat our grandparents ate.
