Wednesday, December 19, 2012

MSG by any other name

MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a processed food additive. It is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin (excitotoxin) that shrivels and kills brain cells in the hypothalamus and has been linked to migraines, seizures, ADD/ADHD, heart palpitations, tremors, and MANY other symptoms that can even be fatal.

Everyone knows that some people get reactions after eating the food ingredient monosodium glutamate --reactions that include migraine headaches, upset stomach, fuzzy thinking, diarrhea, heart irregularities, asthma, and/or mood swings.  What many don’t know, is that more than 40 different ingredients contain the chemical in monosodium glutamate (processed free glutamic acid) that causes these reactions.  The following list of ingredients that contain processed free glutamic acid has been compiled over the last 20 years from consumers’ reports of adverse reactions and information provided by manufacturers and food technologists.

Names of ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid:

Glutamic acid (E 620)2,  Glutamate (E 620)
Monosodium glutamate (E 621)
Monopotassium glutamate (E 622)
Calcium glutamate (E 623)
Monoammonium glutamate (E 624)
Magnesium glutamate (E 625)
Natrium glutamate
Yeast extract
Anything “hydrolyzed”
Any “hydrolyzed protein”
Calcium caseinate,  Sodium caseinate
Yeast food, Yeast nutrient
Autolyzed yeast
Textured protein
Soy protein, soy protein concentrate
Soy protein isolate
Whey protein, whey protein concentrate
Whey protein isolate
Anything “…protein”

Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid:

Carrageenan (E 407)
Bouillon and broth
Any “flavors” or “flavoring”
Citric acid, Citrate (E 330)
Anything “ultra-pasteurized”
Barley malt
Pectin (E 440)
Anything “enzyme modified”
Anything containing “enzymes”
Malt extract
Soy sauce
Soy sauce extract
Anything “protein fortified”
Anything “fermented”

(1) Glutamic acid found in unadulterated protein does not cause adverse reactions.  To cause adverse reactions, the glutamic acid must have beenprocessed/manufactured or come from protein that has been fermented.

The following are ingredients suspected of containing or creating sufficient processed free glutamic acid to serve as MSG-reaction triggers in HIGHLY SENSITIVE people:

Corn starch 
Corn syrup 
Modified food starch 
Lipolyzed butter fat 
Rice syrup
Brown rice syrup 
Milk powder
Reduced fat milk (skim; 1%; 2%)  
most things low fat or no fat 
anything Enriched
anything Vitamin enriched 

(2) E numbers are use in Europe in place of food additive names.


Low fat and no fat milk products often contain milk solids that contain MSG and many dairy products contain carrageenan, guar gum, and/or locust bean gum.  Low fat and no fat versions of ice cream and cheese may not be as obvious as yogurt, milk, cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc., but they are not exceptions.

Protein powders contain glutamic acid, which, invariably, will be processed free glutamic acid (MSG).  Individual amino acids are not always listed on labels of protein powders.

At present there is an FDA requirement to include the protein source when listing hydrolyzed protein products on labels of processed foods.  Examples are hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed wheat protein, hydrolyzed pea protein, hydrolyzed whey protein, hydrolyzed, corn protein. If a tomato, for example, were whole, it would be identified as a tomato. Calling an ingredient tomato protein indicates that the tomato has been hydrolyzed, at least in part, and that processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is present.

Disodium guanylate and disodium inosinate are relatively expensive food additives that work synergistically with inexpensive MSG. Their use suggests that the product has MSG in it. They would probably not be used as food additives if there were no MSG present.

MSG reactions have been reported from soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, and cosmetics, where MSG is hidden in ingredients with names that include the words "hydrolyzed," "amino acids," and/or "protein."  Most sun block creams and insect repellents also contain MSG.

Drinks, candy, and chewing gum are potential sources of hidden MSG and/or aspartame, neotame. and AminoSweet (the new name for aspartame). Aspartic acid, found in neotame, aspartame (NutraSweet), and AminoSweet, ordinarily causes MSG type reactions in MSG sensitive people. (It would appear that calling aspartame "AminoSweet" is industry's method of choice for hiding aspartame.) We have not seen Neotame used widely in the United States. 

Aspartame will be found in some medications, including children's medications. For questions about the ingredients in pharmaceuticals, check with your pharmacist and/or read the product inserts for the names of “other” or “inert” ingredients.

Binders and fillers for medications, nutrients, and supplements, both prescription and non-prescription, enteral feeding materials, and some fluids administered intravenously in hospitals, may contain MSG.

According to the manufacturer, Varivax–Merck chicken pox vaccine (Varicella Virus Live), contains L-monosodium glutamate and hydrolyzed gelatin, both of which contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG) which causes brain lesions in young laboratory animals, and causes endocrine disturbances like OBESITY and REPRODUCTIVE disorders later in life.  It would appear that most, if not all, live virus vaccines contain some ingredient(s) that contains MSG.

Reactions to MSG are dose related, i.e., some people react to even very small amounts. MSG-induced reactions may occur immediately after ingestion or after as much as 48 hours.  The time lapse between ingestion and reaction is typically the same each time for a particular individual who ingests an amount of MSG that exceeds his or her individual tolerance level.

Remember: By food industry definition, all MSG is "naturally occurring." "Natural" doesn't mean "safe."  "Natural" only means that the ingredient started out in nature, like arsenic and hydrochloric acid.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

From the only two-time Nobel Laureate:

"Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud, and that the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society are derelict in their duties to the people who support them." --Linus Pauling, Ph.D.
“There have been many Cancer Cures, and all have been ruthlessly and systematically suppressed with Gestapo-like thoroughness by Cancer establishments. The cancer establishment is the not-too-shadowy association of the American Cancer Society, the leading cancer hospitals, the National Cancer Institute, and the FDA. The shadowy part is the fact that these respected institutions are very much dominated by members and friends of members of the pharmaceutical industry, which profits so incredibly much from our profession-wide obsession with chemotherapy.”  -Robert C. Atkins M.D.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's Not Personal, It's Ethical

It takes a special soul to recognize the soul and humanity in another being and make a stand not to eat the body or carcass of that being. Especially in light of the fact that fast food and cheap unhealthy food is made readily available at every turn, whereas health food stores, organically grown, local Farmer's Markets and Whole Foods are few and far between. Also, in light of the fact that we grow up in families and around friends and loved ones who gorge themselves with the ribs, breasts, and thighs of animals. We're raised to eat everything on an animal from the rooter to the tooter. It takes backbone and chutzpah to stand up against that type of indoctrination and say "NO, I choose compassion!"

There are scores of studies demonstrating that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of dying from all the Western diseases; in countries where people eat a pound or more of vegetables and fruits a day, the rate of cancer is half what is in the United States.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

What is Codex Alimentarius ?

Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection.

The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety. Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, is a very misunderstood organization that most people (including nearly all U.S. congressmen) have never heard of, never mind understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organization. From the official Codex website ( the altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations". Codex is a joint venture regulated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO).

The most dominant country behind the agenda of Codex is the United States whose sole purpose is to benefit multinational interests like Big Pharma, Big Agribusiness, Big Chema and the like. At the latest meeting in Geneva, the U.S. recently became the chair of Codex which will facilitate an exacerbation of the distortion of health freedom and will continue the promulgation of misinformation and lies about genetically modified organism (GMOs) and nutrients while fulfilling the tacit population control agenda. The reason the U.S. continues to dominate Codex is because other countries falsely believe the U.S. possesses the latest and greatest safety technology when it comes to food and hence, whatever the U.S. asks for, its allies (E.U., Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore) follow suit nearly every time.

Many of the countries who wish to participate and want to voice their opinions are not allowed to attend the Codex meetings as the U.S. denies most visas for these representatives whenever they feel like it. Many of these countries (South Africa, Swaziland, Kenya, Ghana, Egypt, Cameroon, Sudan, Nigeria) realize that Codex has been altered from a benevolent food organization to one that is fraudulent, lethal and illegitimate. The fact that Codex meetings are held all over the world is also no accident and allows the U.S. to maintain its tight grip on the Codex agenda as the less economically viable countries are not able to attend.

The Real Threat

While the esoteric agenda of the media is busy driving fear into the hearts of the world by focusing on terrorism, global warming, salmonella, and food shortages, the real threats are clandestinely becoming a reality. Soon every single thing you put into your mouth (with the exception of pharmaceuticals, of course) will be highly regulated by Codex Alimentarius, including water. The standards of Codex are a complete affront to the freedom of clean and healthy food, yet these regulations have no legal international standing. Why should we be worried? These soon-to-be mandatory standards will apply to every country who are members of the WTO (World Trade Organization). If countries do not follow these standards, then enormous trade sanctions will result. Some Codex standards they want initiated and that are completely irrevocable include:

* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease"

* All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten locally and raw).

* Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and internationally to all Codex-compliant countries.

* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to humans' health .

* You will not even be able to obtain these anywhere in the world even with a prescription.

* All advice on nutrition (including written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family member or anyone) will be illegal. This includes all nutritionist's consultations.

* All dairy cows are to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone.

* All animals used for food are to be treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.

* The reintroduction of deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries (including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12 worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides (e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back into food at elevated levels.

* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent (non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.

* Mandatory use of growth hormones and antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks

* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Vegan Wasted Summer!

The Inspired Vegan: Seasonal Ingredients, Creative Recipes, Mouthwatering Menus by Bryant Terry

Marking his 10-year anniversary working to create a healthy, just, and sustainable food system, Bryant Terry offers more than just a collection of recipes. In the spirit of jazz jam sessions and hip hop ciphers, The Inspired Vegan presents a collage of food, storytelling, music, and art. Bryant shares his favorite preparation / cooking techniques and simple recipes—basics to help strengthen your foundation for home cooking and equip you with tools for culinary improvisation and kitchen creativity. $19.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dr. Aris LaTham: The "Sunfired Gourmet" Grand Master Raw Food Chef

He's the promoter of 10-day mango mono feasts...10-day watermelon cleanses, which he claims are better than artificial colonics and enemas, that sometimes remove the friendly bacteria. He's a DYNAMIC proponent of the raw, living movement! He's a beautiful spirit from Panama. He has been thriving and revitalized since 1979! He is the father of raw, gourmet food.

Oh, and by the is summer so he says drink cucumber juice and cleanse yourself. It will cleanse the bad starches out of your colon and intestines and fill your blood with electrolytes and solar energy from the sun. 

Hear him speak here:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

How Not To Be A Vegan

Please understand that feeding this garbage to your children is only killing them slowly. Aspartame is poisonous and white sugar actually breaks down in the body like cocaine. It is literally a drug. It gives no life and no sustenance, just a high, followed by a deep crash. Artificial coloring and dyes have long term effects like rendering the liver and kidney inept. EAT REAL FOOD! This means that if it doesn't grow on a tree, vine, from the sea floor, or have seeds, it is NOT food. If you cannot readily identify the ingredients on the labels, this may not be the best thing to feed your children or yourself.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Raw Vegan Pasta

Made with zucchini and a curry-sesame sauce

Courtesy HerStories Photography

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Heal Thyself for once & for all: Herbs to Treat Specific Diseases

Appetite (Herbs to Improve): Agrimony, beech, calamus, chamomile,
colombo, gentain root, ginseng, golden seal, origanum, strawberry, woodsage,
wormwood, balomy, and marjoram.

Aches: Scullcap, motherwort, valerian, catnip, peppermint, and angelica.

Adenoids: Bayberry bark, bloodroot, golden seal, myrrh, echinacea, and red root.

Ague: Gentain root, sorrel, tansy, vervain, willow, broom, and chamomile.

Appendicitis: Buckthorn bark, vervain, water pepper, lady's slipper,
body cleansers and laxative.

Astringents: Bistort root, fire weed, white oak bark, wild alum root, and bayberry bark.

Abscesses: Carrot (poultice), lobelia, mugwort, slippery elem, charcoal, potato (poultice).

Anemia: Comfrey, dandelion, fenugreek, bayberry bark, agrimony,
century, raspberry leaves, and quassia chips.

Apoplexy: Masterwort, black cohosh, hyssop, vervain, blue cohosh,
catnip, antispasmodic tincture, and scullcap.

Asthma: Black cohosh, comfrey, coltsfoot, horehound, hyssop, Indian hemp,
lobelia, masterwort, milkweed, mullein, myrrh, pleurisy root, prickly ash,
saw palmetto berries, skunk cabbage, thyme, vervain, wild cherry, flaxseed,
masterwort, balm of Gilead, red root, red sage, boneset, cubeb berries,
and elecampane.

Bladder: Celandine, aloes, juniper berries, comfrey, apple tree bark, balm, beech,
broom, carrot, camomile, cleavers, corn silk, cubeb berries, fleabane, golden seal,
hydrangea, hyssop, nettle, peach leaves, birch, buchu, pimpernel, queen of meadow,
sassafras, slippery elm, spearmint, sweet balm, uva ursi, valerian, water pepper,
white pond lily, wild alum root (pus in bladder), wintergreen, wood sage, yarrow,
hemlock, and bethroot.

Breasts (Sore, Swollen, and Caked): Comfrey, parsley, St. John's Wort (caked),
and poke root (caked).

Bowel Troubles: Water pepper, white pond lily, wintergreen, dandelion, wood sanicle,
bethroot, chickweed, myrrh, witch hazel, echinacea, bayberry bark, birch,
bitterroot, blue violet, caraway seed (expels wind), catnip (for acids),
chickweed, comfrey coriander, cubeb berries, fenugreek, golden seal,
 gum arbic, hyssop, magnolia, masterwort,
milkweed, mugwort, mullein, organum, pileworth, thubarb, rue, safe, sanicle,
sassafras, slippery elm, spearmint, strawberry, sumach berries, tansy,
vervain, and marshmallow.

Biliousness: Apple tree bark, senna, poke root, camomile, red sage,
wood betony, queen of the meadow, hyssop, and agrimony.

Bed Sores: Plantain, blam of Gilead, bayberry bark, bloodroot,
witch hazel, and golden seal.

Bright's Disease: Golden seal, Indian hemp, queen of the meadow,
saw palmetto berries, uva ursi, wild alum root, yarrow, peach leaves,
blossoms, or twigs, and peppermint.

Bed-Wetting: Plantin, St. John's Wort, buchu, corn silk, cubeb berries,
fennel seed, milkweed, and wood betony.

Bile: Bitterroot (increases secretion), hops (increases secretion),
casacara sagrada, fringe tree, and celandine.

Backache: Nettle, pennyroyal, tansy, uva ursi, buchu, and wood betony.

Bleeding: Self-heal, mullein (stops bleeding from lungs),
shepherd's purse (for lungs, stomach, bowels, and kidneys), and wild alum root.

Bruises and Cuts: Buglewood (for internal bruises), comfrey, hyssop,
lobelia, mugwort, giant Solomon seal, St. John's Wort, bittersweet, pennyroyal,
tansy, balm of Gilead, and burnet.

Blood Poisoning:
 Chickweed, plantain, echinacea, golden seal, myrrh,
burdock, bloodroot, and smart weed and charcoal poultice.

Burns: Bittersweet, burdock, calamus, chickweed, elder, poplar, onions (bruised),
comfrey, liniment.

Bronchitis: Chickweed, coltsfoot, cubeb berries, golden seal, lungwort, mullein,
myrrh, white pine, pleurisy, sanicle, saw palmetto berries, skunk cabbage,
slippery elm, white pond lily, yerba santa, bloodroot, ginger, blue violet,
bethroot, red root, red sage, and elecampane.

Boils:  Balm poultice, powdered bayberry bark, poultice, burdock, chickweed,
comfrey, coral, flaxseed, hops, lobelia, origanum, slippery elm, sorrel,
St. John's wort, turkey corn, white clover, white water lily,
wintergreen, wood sage, echinacea, birch bark, plantain, and wild cherry.

Cancer: Blue violet (with rock rose and red clover blossoms), chickweed,
cleavers, coral, slippery elm, sorrel, virgin's bower, willow, wood sage, y
ellow dock, poplar, golden seal, poke root, comfrey, and blue flag.

Cramps: Blue cohos, cayenne (stomach cramps), coral, fennel,
motherwort, rue, thyme, twin leaf, wood betony, masterwort, and pennyroyal.

Corns and Callouses: Bittersweet and camomile ointment.

Coughs: Blue violet, comfrey, coltsfoot, ginseng, horehound, hyssop, lungwort,
myrrh, origanum, white pine, water pepper, black cohosh, bloodroot, borage,
flaxseed, marjoram, rosemary, spikenard, blam of Gildead, bethroot, and red sage.

Chest Troubles: Ginseng, hops, hyssop, myrrh, pimpernel, white pine,
sassafras, giant Solomon seal, vervain, wahoo, wild cherry, spikenard,
comfrey, sheperd's purse, yarrow, elecampane, and horehound.

Convulsions: Black cohosh, catnip, fit root, rue, scullcap, self-heal, s
kunk cabbage, valerian, gentain, pennyroyal, mistletoe, antispamodic tincture,
wild yam, lady's slipper, peppermint, fennel seed, sweet balm,
sweet weed, and hyssop.

Colds: Bayberry bark with yarrow, catnip, sage, peppermint, wood beony,
angelica, blue violet, butternut bark, ginseng, Indian hemp, lungwort, nettle,
white pine, pleurisy root, prickly ash, rosemary, saffron, summer savory,
sweet balm, tansy, valerian, vervain, water pepper, wood sage, yarrow,
blood root, elder, ginger, gentain, golden seal, hyssop, masterwort,
pennyroyal, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto berries, spikenard, and wild cherry.

Childbirth (To Make Easy):
 Black cohosh (brings on labour pains at the time),
shepherd's purse, spikenard (taken before shortens labour), squaw vine (shortens),
 red raspberry leaves (a teacupful with the jucie of one orange;
three cups daily though last month, and angelica (to expel afterbirth).

Balomy, buckthorn bark, cascara sagrada, chickweed, ginger,
mandrake, organum, psylla, white ash, elder, blue flag, wild Oreon grape,
rhubarb root, and butternut bark.

Beech, blue cohosh, golden seal, Indian hemp, white pine,
poplar, queen of meadow, saw palmetto berries, sumach berries,
uva ursi, wild alum root, wintergreen, yarrow, buchu (first stages),
dandelion root, and bittersweet.

Dizziness: Peppermint, catnip, rue, and wood betony.

Nettle (bull), safe, and burdock.

Diarrhea: Bayberry bark, birch, bistort root, comfrey, colombo, elder, marshmallow,
mullein, nettle, peppermint, pilewort, poplar, red raspberry, rhubarb, St. John's wort,
slipper elm, strawberry, thyme, white pond lily, witch hazel, yarrow, wormwood,
ginger, rock rose, hemlock, cinnamon, blackberry root, and bethroot.

Earache: Hops, origanum, pimpernel, lemon jucie (pure), and burnet.

Fever: Catnip, sage, shepherd's purse, sumach berries, sweet balm,
tansy, thyme, valerian, vervain, wahoo, wild cherry, willow, wintergreen,
wood sage, wormwood, yarrow, borage, dandelion, Peruvlan bark,
apple tree bark, camomile, elder, fire weed, lobelia, mugwort, and angelica.

Fainting: Lavender (prevents), cayenne, peppermint, and motherwort.

Female Trouble: 
Black cohosh, milkweed, motherwort, mugwort,
parsley, prickly ash, queen of the meadow, ragwort, rosemary, slipper elm,
Solomon's seal, squaw vine, sweet balm, vervain, yarrow, comfrey,
dandelion root, gentain root, red sage, and bethroot.

Gallstones: Bitterroot, cascara sagrada, milkweed, camomile, parsley,
fringe tree, mandrake, goose grass and sweet week, cherry bark, rhubarb,
and wood betony.

Gout: Blue violet, birch, burdock, gentain root, mugwort, rue, sarsaparilla,
broom, buckthorn bark, ginger, mugwort, pennyroyal, plantain,
blam of Gilead, and wood betony.

 Bittersweet, black willow, burdock, cleavers, cubeb berries,
golden seal, hops, parsley, rock rose, sanicle, squaw vine, uva ursi,
witch hazel, wintergreen, juniper berries, and poplar.

Prostate Gland: Corn silk, golden seal, saw palmetto berries,
white pond lily, buchu, and garlic.

Genitals (Itching and Burning):  
Raspberry leaves, marshmallow,
slippery elm, pleurisy root (take interally for itching),
and chickweed (internally and as a wash).

Hair:  Indian hemp (stimulates growth), nettle, rosemary (prevents hair loss), 
sage, peach, and burdock.

Hay Fever: Poplar, mullein, skunk cabbage, coltsfoot, and black cohosh.

Heartburn: Willow, wood betony, burnet, angelica, and origanum.

Hemorrhoids: Burdock, golden seal, myrrh, nettle, psylla, speherd's purse,
uva ursi, white oak bark, yarrow, aloes, bloodroot, bittersweet, and pilewort.

Blue violet, catnip, coltsfoot, peppermind, rhubarb, rosemary,
rue, sweet balm, thyme, vervain, feverfew, virgin's bower, wood bethony,
elder, marjoram, calamint, pennyroyal, fringe tree, red root, holy thistle,
mountain balm, yerba santa, tansy, and camomile.

Hoarsness: Marshmallow, golden seal, lobelia, wild cherry, hyssop,
horehound, mullein, coltsfoot, and skunk cabbage.

Hemorrhages: Bayberry bark, comfrey, fleabane (bowels and uterus),
golden seal (rectum), nettle, pilewort, sheperd's purse, sorrel, St. John's wort,
witch hazel, yarrow, and white oak bark.

Hysteria: Skunk cabbage, saffron, scullcap, valerian, mistletoe, peppermint,
vervain, catnip, black cohosh, blue cohosh, pennyroyal, rue, tansy, and motherwort.

Halitosis (bad breath): 
Rosemary, pepperment, chewing fennel seeds,
echinacea, and myrrh

High Blood Pressure: 
Garlic, broom, black cohosh, hyssop, wild cherry,
valerian, vervain, boneset, myrrh, and scullcap.

Indian hemp, white pine, poplar, and peppermint.

Insanity: Catnip, peppermint, rosemary, rue, vervain,
wood betony, scullcap, and holy thistle.

Insect Stings and Bites: Black cohosh, lobelia, parsley,
plantian, scullcap, blam, bistort root, borage, fennel, hyssop, marjoram,
pennyroyal, basil, and echinacea.

Jaundice: Balomy, bittersweet, buckbean, cleavers, dandelion,
gentain root, horehound, Indian hemp, mandrake, peach leaves, poplar,
sorrel, St. John's wort, tansy, wormwood, bloodroot, broom, sorrel,
chamomile, hyssop, and fennel.

Kidneys:  Cayenne, chicory, water pepper, birch, black cohosh, bloodroot,
masterwort, parsely, camomile, dandelion, sage.

Laxative: Golden seal, horehound, hyssop, mandrake, mullein, psylla,
rhubarb, sage, senna, wahoo, elder, aloes, and blue flag.

Measles: Cleavers, pleurisy root, saffron, valerian, yarrow, bistort root,
and raspberry leaves.

Menstruation (to Decrease flow): Bayberry bark, pilewort,
shepherd's purse, uva ursi, red raspberry, and witch hazel.

Menstruation (to Increase flow): 
Squaw vine, aloes, angelica, bittersweet,
black cohosh, chamomile, catnip, coral, ginger, horehound, mugwort,
pennyroyal, ragowot, rue, saffron, tansy, thyme, valerina, verain,
blue cohosh, and squaw mint.

Nausea: Ginger, lavender, mint, origanum,
pennyroal (not to be taken during pregnancy), peppermint, red raspberry,
anise, and sweet balm.

Nightmare: Bugleweed, thyme, lily of the valley, peppermint, and catnip.

 Camomile, celery, dill, lobelia, motherwort, red clvoer, rosemary,
rue, safe, and valerian.

Ovaries: Saw palmetto berries, pennyroyal, black cohos, blue cohosh,
bayberry bark, burdock and peach leaves.

Obesity (Weight Loss): Seawrack, white ash, fennel, Irish moss,
chickweed, lemon, sassafras, and burdock.

Pneumonia:  Marshmallow, vervain, bloodroot, sage, red sage,
black cohosh, willowm, comfrey, and horehound.

Pimples: Spikenard, valerian, gentain, plantian, and bistort root.

Piles: Bittersweet, chickweed, fire weed, hyssop, marschmallow, mustard,
slippery elm, virgin's bower, wintergreen, chickweed, poke root,
cayenne pepper, and flaxseed.

Pain: Catnip, fit root, mullein, scullcap, nettle, Solomon's slea, twin leafe,
camomile, dill, and wood betony.

Rheumatism: Buchu, balm of Gilead, blue flag, cayenne, birch, bitter root,
bittersweet, black cohosh, blue cohosh, buckbean, celery, elder, Indian hemp,
lobelia, mugwort, nettle, colombo, peppermint, white pine, poplar, scullcap,
sarsaparilla, and wormwood.

Stings: Plantain, barage, echinacea, marjoram, and cedron.

Skin Diseases: Beech, bittersweet, blue violet, buckthorn, burdock, chickweed,
coral, dandelion, elder, magnolia, saffron, and witch hazel.

Stomach, Indigestion, and Gas: Angelica, strawberry, thyme, Valerian, vervain,
wild cherry, willow, and peppermint.

Syphilis: Bitter root, bittersweet, bloodroot, buglewood (for syphilitic sores),
elder, golden seal, prickly ash, rock rose, blue violet, echinacea, blue flag,
milkweed, parsley, and poke root.

Sprains: Comfrey, lobelia, origanum, wormwood, bittersweet and
camomile ointment.

Sore Throat:
 Bayberry bark, bistort root, bloodroot, blue violet,
cayenne, fenugreek, ginger, horehound, hops, hyssop, mullein,
sassafras, and echinacea.

Sleep Inducer: Hops, motherwort,  mullein, vervain, scullcap, and peppermint.

Sores: Peach, pimpernel, poplar, blue violet, hemock, echinachea, poke root, cayenne,
camomile, and witch hazel.

 Blue cohosh, catnip, fit root, masterwort, red clover, rue, sassafras, spearmint,
wild yam, red root, cedron, and fennel.

Sore Gums: Black cohosh, scullcap, fennel, hyssop, marjoram, pennyroyal,
wood betony, echinacea, and basil sweet.

Scalds and Burns: Bittersweet, chickweed, elder, and onions (bruised).

Scarlet Fever: Cayenne, cleavers, golden seal, pleurisy root,
saffron, red sage, and valerian.

Testes: Chickweed, mullein, and saw palmetto berries.

Toothache: Hops, origanum (essence), sassafras (oil), clovers (oil),
summer savory, balm, broom, marjoram, mullein, pennyroyal, plaintain,
pimpernel, and tansy.

To Dry Up Milk in Nursing Mothers:
 Sage, camphore (applied to breast),
and wild alum root (strong tea rubbed over breast.)

Uterus (Prolapsed): Witch hazel, black cohosh,
white oak bark (used in a douche), slippery elm (douche),
and bayberry bark (douche).

Ulcers: bistort root, borage, lungwort, pennyroyal, poplar, blue violet, hemlock,
angelica, cayenne, hops, mullein, myrrh, pilewort, sage, sorrel, and virgin's bower.

Varicose Veins: White oak bark, witch hazel, bayberry bark,
wild alum root, and burnet.

Vaginal Douche: Fit root and fennel, gum arabic, marshmallow, slippery elm,
uva ursi, white oak bark, white pond lily, fenugreek, and bayberry bark.

Vomiting (Preventive): Basil sweet, colombo, peach leaves, clover, and spearmint.

Womb Troubles: Slippery elm, bayberry bark (douche), black cohosh,
blue cohosh, gum arabic (for inflammation of the uterus), mandrake,
peach leaves, rue, squaw vine,
St. John's wort, witch hazel, shepherd's purse (to stop excessive flow),
yarrow (increases menses), and smartweed.

Whooping Cough: 
Black cohosh, blue violet, coltsfoot, lobelia, red clover,
skunk cabbage, thyme, blue cohosh, bloodroot, slippery elm, and elecampane.

Warts: Buckthorn, mullein, and celandine.

Burdock, carrot (poultice), camomile, chickweed, comfrey,
fenugreek, prickly ash, yarro, pilewort, pimpernel, and poplar.

Worms: Birch, bitterrroot, buckthorn, butternut bark, carrot, chamomile,
hops, horehound, nettle, quassia, rue, sage, sorrel, tansy, vervain (take three days),
senna, wormwood, bistort root, catnip, hyssop, poplar, aloes, wood betony,
and motherwort.


The Herb Family


Alternative herbs are used to slow down the action of all herbs used as curatives. In many dis-ease states an abrupt cure would shock the body and cause a secondary illness. Dis-eases are often developed slowly and consequently require a slow exit from the body. In some cases a dis-ease can require emergency action. 

Alternatives are usually combined with bitter tonics, astringents, aromatics, demulcents, expectorants and stimulants. Alternatives include:

Spikenard root, Sarsaparilla root, bittersweet twigs, Black Cohosh root, Burdock root, Chaparral, Echinacea root, Red Clover flower, Nettle root, Garlic, Anise, Allspice, Caraway, Catnip, celery seed, cinnamon, cloves, cumin seed, eucalyptus, Ginger, Valerian, fennel, nutmeg, peppermint


Anthelmintics or vermifuges remove intestinal worms which inhabit the body. These include:

Areca nuts, elecampane, pomegranate root, pumpkin seed, Uva ursi, senna (bark, seeds or juice), Balomy leaves, male fern, wormwood leaves, horseradish, Wild Violet


Antiperiodics are herbs that reduce seizures caused by fevers or nervous disorders (epilepsy). They include:

Vervain, arnica, Cinchona bark, red raspberry, Scullcap, Eucalyptus, senna, Rue, Peruvian bark


Antyhologistics are herbs used in reducing or stopping inflammatory disease states, but are never to be used on partially damaged tissue. They include:

Arnica, Blue Cohosh, Cayenne, Lobelia, Wormwood, Hops, Burdock, Chaparral, Garlic, Slippery elm


These herbs are used to excite and stimulate the body through the organs of smell and taste. The fragrance of the herbs creates a feeling of warmth and alerts the senses. they stimulate the stomach and transmit a feeling of relaxation to the body. They include:

Valerian, Hops, Chamomile, Catnip, Scullcap, Nerve root

An alternative to potato chips


Herbs that kill or retard the growth of germs, bacteria or virus which affect rotten internal flesh. They all kill germs. They include:

Anise, Myrrh, Wormwood, Cassia, Thyme, peppermint, clove, garlic, cayenne, comfrey, Eucalyptus, Witch hazel


Expectorants cause one to spit out phlegm (mucous) from the lungs and nasal passages. Subsequently, they are food for bronchitis, stuffy nose, chest colds, and irritated lungs.These herbs speed up the cleansing of excess toxins from the nasal passages and lungs. They include:

Blood root, Balsam, Yerba, Marshmallow, Seneca, Elecampane, Skunk Cabbage, Asafetida, Horehound, Mullein, comfrey.

Dragon Fruit

What microwaves do to your food and your body

This is your body. This is your body on microwaved foods.

Hard Labor Creek Blueberry Farm

an antioxidant oasis

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Photo Courtesy HerStories Photography

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Juice Fast 2012 (The 60 day Vegan Wasted Juice Feast)

The 1st rule of juice fast is: You do not talk about Juice Fast.

Whether you're a professional, mean, lean, green juice machine juice fast novice or if this is your 1st time juicing, this is sure to pack a punch (no pun intended). The benefits of juicing are too many to name and vary from person. Juicing is one of the most healthiest and safest way to detoxify and give your body's cells the highest vibrational fuel available because they are full of raw, living enzymes and alkaline, electric vitamins and minerals!

A 60-day fast will: 

Reboot your system and completely wipe you clean. 

It will:

Enable you to shed the most weight, the fastest, naturally. It will heal sickness and disease, perhaps even help to usher you off of many synthetic, chemical drugs by curing you from the inside out.

If you don't have the willpower to follow through with a complete 60-day juice fast, try a 30-day, or 3-week, or 3-day juice fast. Take it one day at a time. It can be grueling, but the rewards are worth it.

Here is a snapshot from The Vegan Wasted Juice Fast Plan:

These are ingredients from a few of the recipes (all organic-grown, fresh as possible, unless you're cheating with smoothies, you can use frozen fruit for those). Juice enough to last the entire day. Refrigerating the fruit beforehand yields cool juices. Be sure to store them in glass jars.

NO cheap, ghetto Wal*Mart juicers...invest in a quality juicer, like a Juice Man. Personally, we have a DeLonghi, and it works great.

  • 1. Kale/Granny Smith apples/celery (Kale Yeah)
  • 2. McIntosh apples (Just Call Me A Mac)
  • 3. Watermelon/strawberries/Irish moss
  • 4. Grapefruit/Ginger/Blackberries
  • 5. Blueberries/lemons/pineapples (From the Blue Lagoon)
  • 6. Blood oranges/mangoes/peaches (Sex on South Beach)
  • 7. Beets/strawberries/rhubarb/spirulina (Bloody Mary)
  • 8. Kale/cucumber/celery/green tomatoes/asparagus/Irish moss (Green Hornet)
  • 9. Fennel/celery/Fuji apples (So Fresh & So Clean)
  • 10. Limes/ginger/acai berries (Super Bad)
  • 11. Strawberries/mangosteen/Blueberries/Acai/Plums (Happy Time)
  • 12. Pineapple/ginger/Irish moss/sorrel (Jamaica Funk)
  • 13. Honeydew melon/watermelon/cantaloupe (Melon-E)
  • 14. Cilantro/green leaf lettuce/yellow peppers/ habanero peppers/jalapeno peppers** (The Cabo San Lucas) 
  • 15. Broccoli/cucumber/celery/Granny Smith Apples (Metu Neter)
  • 16. Oranges carrots/yellow carrots/purple carrots (The Better Carotene)
  • 17. Roma tomatoes/basil/spinach (The Michael Corleon)
  • 18. Coconut/flax/raw almond milk (Deez Nuts)
  • 19. Tomatoes/green peppers/noni/cilantro (Portuguese Love)
  • 20. Blueberries/blackberries/acai/strawberries (Berry White)
  • 21. Tangerines/starfruit/guava (Ommm)
  • 22. Aloe meat (gel from aloe plant/celery/fennel (Electric Boogaloo)
  • 23. Peaches/strawberries/apricots/mango/ginger (Sweet & Low)
  • 24. Papaya/guavas/pineapples/mangoes (Fiji Island)
  • 25. Limes/strawberries/peaches (Lime Sunrise)
  • 26. Blueberries/kumquats (Blue Magic)
  • 27. Celery/Kale/Spinach/Spirulina/pears (Green Goddess)
  • 28. Goji/acai/blueberries (Power to the People)
  • 29. Pears/Washington apples (The Obama)
  • 30. Moringa/ginger/coconut/pineapple (Nights over Maui)

Sorrel juice